New Year New You

Do you want to start the new year with a new you? Perhaps you have a specific health problem that you want to address in 2020. Or do you just want to feel better generally? Do your new year health goals include having more energy to enjoy life? Better sleep? Better digestion? Fewer aches and pains?

New Year New You

Acupuncture can usually help in all these areas and to help you get a great start in 2020 we are offering a New Year New You programme.

Complete a treatment at South Scarborough Acupuncture Clinic in January, book in a course of 5 further treatments and get the last one for free!* That’s a £40 saving!

* All treatments (including the free one) must be completed by 31 May 2020. This offer cannot be combined with other offers eg. refer a friend.


You only pay for your 5 treatments as you complete them. No need to pay in advance.

You choose when to attend. At your first appointment we will recommend a frequency of treatment, based on any health conditions you currently struggle with and the level of improvement you are aiming for, but you are always in control.

You choose which health goal is your priority (if you’re not sure how acupuncture can help you then have a look here).

You can reschedule appointments if you need to, without losing the offer, just as long as you give a minimum 24hrs notice of any change and you complete the course of treatment by 31 May 2020.

Next Steps

Book your appointment now.

 Book Now

Or drop in to our Open Day this Saturday 4 January between 2pm and 4pm for a chat before booking. If you can’t attend on Saturday but you’re not ready to book a treatment, then you can select a free 15min “can acupuncture help me” consultation. You will however, need to complete a paid treatment within January, to qualify for the New Year New You offer.

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