A healthy eating resolution

Have you made a new year resolution to lose weight and/or adopt more healthy eating habits? If so, then you’re not alone – I’m right there with you! My own focus is to get back to healthy eating habits as I know that the weight loss will follow.

Healthy eating resolution

I’m an acupuncturist but I’m no saint! Over the Christmas period I’ve overindulged in foods that I know aren’t great for me. Too many crisps and chocolates, too much alcohol and too much cheese – among other things lol! I knew that it wasn’t sensible but I made the decision to enjoy Christmas, suffer the consequences for a short period but with a firm plan to get back to healthy eating in the new year.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and now I’m putting my sensible head back on before I get too entrenched in bad habits.

Facing the consequences

Most people can get away with poorer eating habits for a time. Everyone is an individual and that time is longer for some and shorter for others. I could feel significant changes after a couple of weeks. The effects of poor eating habits, for me specifically, have included:

  • increased joint pain and stiffness (my shoulders and neck hurt when I wake up and I creak going upstairs);
  • poorer sleep (I wake more often during the night);
  • feeling heavy and sluggish (my walk with dog has been more of an effort than before);
  • congestion (blocked sinuses); and
  • increased weight gain (the scales don’t lie).

Can you relate? Are you feeling any of these same symptoms?

Luckily for me, I did keep up my exercise throughout that same period and I’m sure that I would be in a worse state now if I hadn’t done.

How acupuncture can help

Acupuncture is not a “diet pill”. There are however, a number of ways in which it can help you meet your new year health objectives.

  • reduce uncomfortable symptoms of poorer eating habits (eg. reduce the aches and pains);
  • improve sleep (which in turn supports more sensible decision making when awake);
  • aid motivation and willpower (to help you stick to your new health plans);
  • improve digestion (so that what you are eating supports you more effectively); and
  • increase energy levels (so that you feel able to exercise).

Just as important as the acupuncture needles, is the lifestyle advice that traditional acupuncturists can provide. This is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), tailored specifically for you and guiding you towards your own optimal eating and exercise habits.

I’ll be sharing my own progress, along with TCM healthy lifestyle tips, over on my Facebook page and I invite you to pop over there and like/follow me if you’ve made a healthy eating resolution.

If you’d like more one to one support to meet your new year goals then come along to South Scarborough Acupuncture. Book your first appointment in January and you can also take advantage of our New Year, New You programme, saving you £40!