Clinic changes – bad and good

South Scarborough Acupuncture Clinic has gone through a number of changes over the last couple of years. This is to keep pace with changes elsewhere in the UK and worldwide. I continue to research and risk assess and then respond to client needs and evolve the clinic in as positive way as I can find. Now we have a few more changes coming.

I made the difficult decision to raise my prices due to the rising energy costs. Summer weather allowed me to put this off for a while, but we definitely need the heating on in the clinic now. I know that the price increase comes at a bad time for many who have their own bills to pay.

To help balance this, I am going to be adding both free and low cost self-care tips and training to this website. These will not include acupuncture or personalised treatment but will cover lifestyle advice that supports better health for all.

Price changes

So sorry my friends but I am having to raise my prices. Hopefully this is sufficient notice of the increase for you to plan and budget accordingly. Prices will increase from the 1 December 2022. A follow-up treatment from this date will be £47.50.

Please note that if aren’t registered with the clinic yet, the price of an Initial Assessment increased a few months ago, to £60.

Self-Care – free advice

Going forward, from 31 October 2022, I will be adding articles twice a week on self-care tips and techniques that you can employ at home. As these build, I will add them into categories, so that they are easier to search for.

They are the sort of tips that I usually share with individuals as extra “homework” that they can do to support their own journey. I have seen that clients who are consistent in working these tips into their daily routines, tend to meet their health goals quicker.

These are not really intended to replace acupuncture for those of you who are currently a long way from your optimal health. Lifestyle advice alone may not be enough to “move the needle” so to speak. They may be able to help reduce the number of treatments you need overall and/or stretch out the frequency of maintenance care. And if you simply cannot afford treatment at the moment, then I recommend trying them. Simply taking steps to manage your own condition and well-being, can have a positive effect on your mental and physical health.

We will start our self-care article programme next week with the topic of Mindfulness.

Self-Care – low cost training

On a less frequent basis, I will also be offering online training that tackles the lifestyle topics in more depth. If you find it difficult to make sustainable changes from simply reading things online, then a short training course – an e-course, (usually around 90min – 2 hours) may give you the extra motivation you need. Each e-course will have a mini action plan or workbook to help you implement what you learn.

I am running the first of these training sessions next week. The topic is Steps to Successful Sleep Self-care. I strongly believe that better sleep is the first step to better health and so it made the logical starting point.

Click the image below or click the link here to find out more.

Clinic changes - self-care courses

Book your spot in the pre-launch period to:

  • pay a greatly reduced price;
  • have the chance to ask questions;
  • continue to have access to the course as it gets polished up and broken into shorter modules.

As the e-courses are accessed online, it’s also a chance for those of you who don’t live local to the clinic, to benefit from clinic support. Wherever in the world you are, you’re welcome to attend (if fact if you prefer to pay in US$ than UK£ then check the information page here).

I hope that you will understand and welcome (at least some of) the clinic changes that are happening.