7 Signs You Need Better Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are essential for everyone, for maintaining positive relationships and protecting your well-being. We’re going to take a look at 7 signs that you need better boundaries.

The less boundaries you set, the more dramatic your life will be. 7 signs you need better boundaries

However, first, we’ll take a look a who needs them. Some people may need them more than others. For example:

  • People who tend to be people-pleasers;
  • People who struggle with assertiveness;
  • People who have experienced trauma or abuse;
  • People who work in caring professions.

Many of my clients come especially from this latter group. Of course, I also fall into this group myself. If you work in a caring profession, such as healthcare or social work, you may be at risk of burnout if you don’t have clear boundaries. Building better boundaries can help you prioritise self-care and avoid becoming emotionally exhausted.

But how do you know whether or not you need to establish clear boundaries in your life?

Everyone is different, but there are often common signals that you need to establish control and lay down ground rules to have a better experience. Here are 7 signs that you need better boundaries to live your best life.

  1. You struggle to say “no” to requests or invitations, even when you don’t really want to do them.
  2. You often feel overwhelmed and exhausted because you’re constantly giving your time and energy to others.
  3. You frequently find yourself feeling resentful or angry with others when they overlook your needs and desires.
  4. You feel guilty when you take time for yourself or prioritise your own needs.
  5. You find yourself apologising often, even when you haven’t done anything wrong.
  6. You tend to attract people who are emotionally needy or demanding.
  7. You feel like you’re losing yourself or sacrificing your own identity in order to please others.

Do you identify with any of the above? More than one?

These are warning signs that let you know you could enjoy a better life experience. They can help you improve your relationship with the people you care about and – ultimately – yourself, by building better boundaries. Over the next few weeks we’ll look at some ways in which you can do this.