Don’t Let Your School Struggles Keep You From Learning

Do you feel like your struggles at school are keeping you from learning now? If you’ve ever let your grades or experiences in the classroom prevent you from embracing lifelong learning, it’s time to change that mindset. In this blog post, we’ll explore why it’s important to never let your school results define your ability to learn.

Don't Let Your School Struggles Keep You From Learning

It’s easy to give up on learning when you had a horrible time at school. For some that might have been due to grades (good or bad). For others of us it might have been our experiences there at the hands of other school kids, or even teachers. It can be enough to put anyone off learning but that would be a dreadful waste. There have been some amazing people that didn’t excel at school but went on to change the world. Just think where we’d be if they had given up.

One key figure who struggled with school was Albert Einstein. As a teen, Einstein never got on with the conventional teaching style of that era. He found rote learning stifling to his creativity. Einstein was always off in his own world, daydreaming. He even failed the entrance exam for a Polytechnic school in Zürich. He was great at the physics and maths parts of the exam but didn’t get the needed scores on the general part.

Imagine if he’d let that experience affect his relationship with learning.

It’s likely that we all bear some scars from our childhood learning years. I was bullied at school for “being a swot”. Luckily for me it didn’t deter me and I still love learning. On the other hand I remember my art teacher telling me to choose other subjects because I’d never get anywhere with art. Now don’t get me wrong, I still cannot draw but there are so many more art mediums to choose from. I turned to paper crafting and card making years after leaving school and I still run a blog on the subject now.

If you were turned away from any subject at school because you weren’t good enough at it don’t let it stop you from trying it now. Some teachers don’t bring out the best in us and some of our school friends wouldn’t have supported our choices back then. That’s no reason not to have a go now.

Anyone can learn. All you need is the mindset and the drive to do it. Once you’re hungry enough to learn a new thing, go out and get any relevant resources. Are there any tools that can help you obtain the knowledge you seek? Maybe books, courses, or even people can help you get to where you want to be faster.

Knowledge doesn’t care if you were a straight-A student or not. It’s like a superpower that’s just waiting to help you make incredible changes in your life. And with the Internet, anyone can get their hands on any knowledge they want. So don’t let those old school struggles keep you from learning. Tap into that power and prove those old teachers and school friends wrong!