Acupuncture for anxiety

We all feel a little anxious from time to time. For some of us it can be triggered by an upcoming exam, for others it could be having to give a presentation. A certain level of nervousness is a normal part of life. For some people though, that anxiety sticks with them after those events have finished and when there is no apparent cause. This can interfere with normal daily life. For many people, acupuncture can provide relief from anxiety.

Anxiety - acupuncture may be able to help.

The cause of your anxiety can be totally different to that of someone else. In fact, your symptoms can also be totally different.

Acupuncture considers the whole person – your combined physical and mental health. Especially since problems in one area can then create issues in the other. Every acupuncture treatment is designed and tailored to fit a specific individual.

How acupuncture works for anxiety

A little bit of science here. The British Acupuncture Council has identified research showing that acupuncture treatment works by:

  • Acting on areas of the brain known to reduce sensitivity to pain and stress, as well as promoting relaxation and deactivating the ‘analytical’ brain;
  • Regulating levels of neurotransmitters and hormones, helping to combat negative affective states;
  • Activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This initiates the relaxation response.
  • Reversing changes in levels of cytokines that are associated with anxiety;
  • Reversing stress-induced changes in behaviour and biochemistry.

But what if I’m scared of needles?

Of course, if the thought of needles makes you anxious, then you may think that acupuncture can’t help.

We can however, use the same acupoints but use acupressure instead of needles. Acupressure can also be combined with a cupping massage. A massage in itself can be very relaxing. We will never pressure you to have a treatment that you aren’t comfortable with and you can change your mind at any time.

What next?

Book in for a free 15 min consultation to discuss how anxiety affects you and how we can help.