Attending clinic during winter lockdown

Here is an update for clients attending clinic during the winter lockdown. Currently our area (Scarborough) is within the second lockdown phase for England. This started on 5 November 2020 and will run until at least 2 December, when it will be reviewed. You may be aware that daily confirmed cases in our area have been especially high for the last fortnight. In fact it is higher than the average for England. This may lead to extended restrictions, even after the wider lockdown is lifted.

Attending clinic during winter lockdown

This second lockdown, whilst restrictive, isn’t quite the same as the first one and there has been recognition that certain key services need to continue. As a medical service, South Scarborough Acupuncture is still able to open for clients requiring urgent care and high needs.

What is urgent care and high needs? Can I come in for treatment? This varies from one person to another. What may be urgent for one person may not be for another and vice versa. We are best able to assess needs for those current clients, already on a treatment programme.

Already booked for next treatment

If you already have your next appointment booked, then this can go ahead as planned (due to review procedures we had in place on the lead up to lockdown). Of course if you prefer to cancel or rearrange your appointment, you can do so. We do ask though that you please contact us and give 24hrs notice, so that we don’t pay for heating the clinic when it won’t be used.

Not booked but attended for treatment recently

If you have attended clinic for treatment either during or after June this year but you don’t have your next treatment booked, then we will need to assess whether your treatment will meet the criteria for urgent care and high needs. Please contact us (call direct on 07865 593972 or email to discuss your particular situation.

Not booked and not attended for treatment within the last six months

If you have never attended South Scarborough Acupuncture clinic before, or if you have not attended for treatment since the original lockdown back in Spring, then there are additional risk assessments and client questionnaires that need to be completed before we can treat you. We will need to complete these by telehealth (either videoconference or telephone) to cut down on face to face contact. If you would like to book for treatment this month or to be risk assessed ready to be seen in December, then please contact us (call direct on 07865 593972 or email to start the process.

Please note that online booking has temporarily been turned off. This is so that clients can’t accidentally book an appointment that doesn’t meet the urgent care and high needs criteria and then turn up to clinic, only to find that they cannot be treated.

If you plan on attending clinic during the winter lockdown please follow the instructions outlined above to book your appointment. These procedures are in place and important for the health and safety of us all.