Acupuncture to lift a low mood and clear some cold symptoms

I love my work and I love when I can use my skills to help my family as well as clients. This week my hubby is receiving treatment from me to speed up his recovery from a rotten cold.

I’ve only just recently got over a cold myself and then my hubby started with one at the end of last week. I know that most people know someone at the moment who is suffering with this particular strain of a cold and for many of us it brings with it, a feeling of light to moderate depression – not something you need when your resistance is on the low side anyway.

I gave my hubby an acupuncture treatment yesterday afternoon to try and alleviate some of the symptoms and less than an hour later he reported that his muzzy head was clearing and that his mood had lifted considerably. He started breathing more clearly, though he did still feel tired.

Overnight some of the muzziness returned, though the dripping tap of a nose didn’t return. This afternoon I treated him again and he’s definitely sounding brighter and reports a much clearer head. In fact he returned to work today and comments that he wouldn’t have been able to do that if his head was still as foggy as yesterday.

If you or someone you know is suffering with a heavy cold then consider acupuncture to treat your symptoms and speed up your recovery.