Brain Training for Concentration and Focus

Brain training, or cognitive training, is a way of training your brain to make it better at concentration and focus. It can improve both short- and long-term memory and processing speed. It has been used for years to help seniors avoid cognitive decline, but recent research has shown that it helps younger people improve their abilities as well.

What is cognitive training? It is doing things that require your brain to work hard for short periods of time – usually about 15 minutes at a time – multiple days a week. A typical brain training regimen is 15 minutes per day 5 days per week. You can increase the number of times per day you do brain training or increase the length of sessions as needed.

You can choose from many forms of brain training. These are the most common.


All kinds of puzzles are great for brain training. This includes jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, word searches, crossword puzzles, math puzzles, and more. Both digital and physical versions of puzzles help, though there is some research to suggest that physical objects help more than their digital versions.

Jigsaw puzzle - one form of brain training for concentration and focus

Special Video Games/Software

There are specially designed games and software now that are meant to be used for brain training. Some of them you can purchase outright, while others require a subscription. They vary in quality and price. Some of them are intuitive and will make your games harder or easier depending on your abilities.

Strategy Games

Any game that involves strategy and planning, such as Chess, Risk, or War, is a good game for training your brain. Digital games help but again, there is some evidence that physically playing the game is better. If you need someone to play with, look for gaming groups in your local community.

Memory Games

Memory games are not just for kids! Examples include matching games, visual memorisation games, and more. You can play them digitally or buy physical versions.

Brain Training Activity Books

Just a few years ago almost no one had heard of brain training, but now it is so popular that there are dozens of brain training activity books on the market, and more are coming out all the time. These are designed to be purchased in physical editions and used with a pen or pencil. You can pick from all-around brain training, memory, focus, etc., or switch back and forth.

Pick the form of brain training that appeals to you most and improve your concentration and focus.