Coronavirus – Clinic Safety

In light of the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), I am implementing additional clinic safety measures to protect those clients who still wish to attend and also to protect myself and my family.

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and follow their guidelines and regulations in order to provide optimal health and safety conditions within the clinic. They have confirmed that members do not need to shut their clinics unless and until we are given clear government instructions to do so. Acupuncture clinics are not classed as ‘social’ settings and so do not fall under the social gathering category. South Scarborough Acupuncture Clinic will therefore remain open for the present.

Coronavirus - Clinic Safety

Additional Safety Measures

I already follow very rigorous health and safety procedures at South Scarborough Acupuncture, but in light of how serious this pandemic is, I have added the following precautionary measures:

  • Extra cleaning in the clinic – I have removed couch covers so that the couch can sanitised between clients. Door handles, taps and other hard surfaces that clients may have need to touch are also sanitised between appointments. In addition to fresh towels and couch roll for every client, pillow slips are also replaced fresh each time. Hand sanitiser is provided for clients and there is access to hand washing facilities as well.
  • Screening checks – clients with a high temperature, a new continuous cough or known to have been in close contact with someone who has COVID19, are being asked to reschedule their appointment to a date following their self-isolation period. If you’re not sure about the symptoms of coronavirus or what to do about it then I recommend reading the NHS guidance.
  • Appointment spacing – there is no waiting room at the clinic but to help preserve social distancing I am spacing appointments further apart. I will keep to time during appointments so that clients have no need to interact with one another.

Further Action

I will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated via this blog, facebook and any of my usual appointment contact systems.

If you have any remaining concerns about clinic safety at South Scarborough Acupuncture Clinic during the Coronavirus pandemic then please give me a call (07865 593972) or email me and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.