How to prepare for acupuncture

One of the questions I often get asked about at our Open Events is “how should I prepare for my acupuncture treatment?”

First of all, you really don’t need to do anything before coming for your treatment. We’ll totally get by, even if you come along completely unprepared – promise! 😊

However, you might find the following tips will help you to get more from your session.

Have something light to eat before you attend

How to prepare for acupuncture - have something light to eat

Very occasionally, a client can feel a little lightheaded or even faint when having a treatment. This is more likely to happen if it’s your first ever acupuncture treatment. Or if you have acupuncture on an empty stomach.

I check with new clients that they have eaten. On the odd occasion that someone has forgotten or simply not had time to eat before their appointment, then I can provide a biscuit or two to remedy the situation.

Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing

If you wear clothes that are loose (particularly at wrist and ankles) then I can more easily adjust sleeves, trousers etc. to reach the acupuncture points that best fit your needs.

How to prepare for acupuncture - wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing

We can roll leggings up, but if this restricts your circulation then you may not feel comfortable during the 20-30min treatment and that will be counter-productive.

If you do forget or have to come straight from work for example, then it’s not a major problem. I may ask you to remove outer layers of clothing (please, always keep your underwear on) but I keep the clinic warm and there are towels and screens for modesty.

Consider what you want to get from your treatment

Clients often have a specific reason for booking for acupuncture. This is helpful as it provides a focus for treatment and allows us to measure progress eg. 50% reduction in pain.

Acupuncture is a holistic therapy however, treating the whole person. Please let me know if there is more than one issue causing you concern but also consider which one is your priority, as this guides the treatment.

So, now that you know how to prepare for acupuncture, why not book your appointment now.

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