Managing anxiety and stress through exercise

Acupuncture is very effective at treating anxiety and stress but don’t worry that South Scarborough Acupuncture Clinic isn’t open at the moment – there are lots of lifestyle changes that we can all make right now, at home, that can help to reduce anxiety. Sleep, healthy eating and regular exercise are the key ones that I’ll be starting with. My hubby and I have both been off work with stress at different periods in our lives (unfortunately this was before I discovered acupuncture) and we learned then the benefits of managing anxiety and stress through exercise.


Managing anxiety and stress through exercise

Not exercise as in going to a gym, nothing that requires specialist clothing or equipment. Our exercise of choice is simple walking. Walking is something that most of us are fit enough to do. It is a great form of exercise when done at a pace appropriate for your own level of fitness. It can help to regulate your breathing and it gets you out into the fresh air.

A few notes though;

I usually go out for 2 walks of at least 30min each, each and every day. Now of course I’m limited to one. Our dog doesn’t know that and won’t understand if we cut back on his walks, so hubby has been taking the morning walk (as he’s working from home) and I’ve been taking the afternoon walk. That’s not really enough exercise for me so I’m going back to my Traditional Chinese Medicine basics and adding in a session of Qi Gong.

Qi Gong

If you haven’t come across it before, Qi Gong is a system of posture, movement, breathing and meditation. It is similar to and related to Tai Chi.

This particular routine is aimed at strengthening the lung – perfect for right now.

The instructor here is Peter Deadman. As he is the author of some of the Chinese Medicine textbooks I rely on and refer to within my clinic practice, I feel confident in recommending this routine to you.

I’ll be managing anxiety and stress through exercise going forward, how about you?