Mindfulness At Work

Once you’ve made start at mindfulness, it can help you in every area of your life. Mindfulness can even help you do better at work! (No meditation required -though it can help.) The following are just a few of the many ways mindfulness can help you be more productive and perform better at your job.

Ability to Focus

Mindfulness increases your ability to focus. This lets you devote all of your attention to a task, rather than having it scattered across multiple different things you’re thinking about all at once. At work, this allows you to single-task, devoting yourself to one task and finishing it faster and better than you would have otherwise. This directly improves your performance on the job.

Camera lens focussing. Mindfulness increases the ability to focus.

Be Present

Mindfulness teaches you to be present in the moment. You learn to be present where you are instead of having your mind wander off to five or six different places. When you’re present at work, your work skills and performance will improve, making you a better and more valued employee. Your bosses will quickly notice the difference in you.

Increased Mental Stamina

Our brains tire throughout the day. As the workday wears on, our energy levels, critical thinking skills, and decision-making abilities all decline. Practicing mindfulness sharpens most of these skills, which increases your mental stamina, making it easier for you to work productively for longer.

Fewer Emotional Reactions

Let’s face it – we don’t get along with everyone at work. Some people will deliberately wind you up and others will just get on your nerves. The increased emotional regulation ability that comes with mindfulness will let you handle these folks without reacting emotionally -which is good for both your stress levels and your career.

Improved Ability to Handle Stress

Mindfulness lowers your stress levels, but it can’t erase all stress from your life. That’s impossible, especially in today’s world. You’re going to experience stress in all areas of your life, including work. Practicing mindfulness regularly will improve your ability to handle that stress and lower your physical and mental reactions to it. You’ll be able to perform better and be more productive under stress than you were before.

Ability to “Recharge” Throughout the Day

One of the best ways to recharge your brain is to take a mindfulness pause and guess what? Once you get good at it, you can do one at work without ever having to leave your desk. Just taking a minute or two to breathe deeply and ground yourself can recharge your batteries!

Battery recharging

As you can see, mindfulness can help you perform better at work but it also helps you cope better with the stresses that come with it. A win for your boss and a win for you!