My TCM Toolbox

Although I primarily think of myself as an Acupuncturist, my Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) studies trained me in a whole toolbox of complementary techniques. I am able to choose and use these, either with, or instead of, acupuncture alone. I have in the past, shared some basic information about some of these (eg. cupping) here on my website as a possible alternative for anyone who may wish to avoid needles. Now, as the prospect of an extended Stay At Home policy looks possible, I’ve been revisiting my toolkit.

My TCM Toolbox

The health and safety of my clients is my top priority at all times. I know that many of my clients are disappointed to be missing their treatments, even though they appreciate the need to stay safe. I’ve therefore been investigating ways that I can continue to support and progress their health journey, without breaking social distancing guidelines.

The most pragmatic way appears to be a telehealth consultation. Telehealth, simply put, is technology enabled healthcare management and delivery eg. a web based, virtual, consultation.

You won’t need to be an IT wizard to take part in a telehealth virtual consultation, but you will need access to a computer/tablet or smartphone and a reasonable speed internet connection. 

Through telehealth consultations (think of it as a type of online videoconference) I can still offer the following services:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis (I identify which “patterns of disharmony” are unique to you and how we can work towards internal balance);
  • tongue diagnosis;
  • face diagnosis;
  • diet advice;
  • lifestyle advice;
  • exercise advice.

By guiding you through demonstrations and observing you try it for yourself, together as a team we can also use:

  • acupressure massage;
  • breathing techniques;
  • meditation techniques;
  • qi gong exercises;
  • gua sha.

If you wish to additionally invest in some inexpensive TCM tools, then I can also guide you in the safe and effective ways to use the following*:

  • acupressure magnets;
  • ear seeds;
  • cupping;
  • moxa.

* please do not use these without instruction, as they could cause harm if used incorrectly.

I may even include some of these tools (by post) for returning clients so I advise holding off purchasing them initially.

I am currently setting up the IT systems I need in order to provide secure telehealth consultations. Once in place, these telehealth consultations will use combinations of tools and techniques taken from the above to create tailored solutions to your health needs. If you are interested in booking a telehealth virtual consultation and dipping into my TCM toolbox, then please email me or text me on 07865 593972. I’ll contact you as soon as appointments are available.

Stay safe, stay well, stay home.