Open event or free consultation?

Which is it better for you to attend? An open event or free consultation?

Open event or free consultation?

They both offer the chance to see the clinic and meet the acupuncturist before deciding whether you want to have a treatment. Both also allow you to discuss alternatives to acupuncture treatment if you’re unsure about needles.

Each has major benefits and just a few drawbacks, so here’s what to consider ahead of time.

Open Event

Our Open Events are usually scheduled for a couple of hours in an afternoon or an evening. We vary when they’re held to try to make them accessible to everyone. Check this page here to find out when our next Open Event is.

Some of the benefits of attending one of our Open Events include:

  • Not being tied to a specific time. You can drop in at any time within that slot. If you plan on attending but something crops up, then you simply come along to another event, you don’t need to cancel an appointment.
  • You can bring someone else with you. Whether you want their input to your decision or you think that you might both want to know more, you’re welcome to bring a friend or family member with you.
  • You can ask as many questions as you like until the Open Event closes.

Whether the following are drawbacks for you will depend on your personal priorities but they could include:

  • Lack of privacy. There may be other people attending the Open Event at the same time as you, in which case you may choose not to share personal information in the company of others. You can still ask general questions or you may then wish to book a free consultation to discuss any personal issues. Alternatively you may be fortunate enough to have the clinic and practitioner to yourself.
  • You won’t be able to have a treatment on the same day as attending the Open Event. Events are scheduled to coincide with the end of our clinic day.

Free Consultation

Our Free Consultation is exactly that! We recommend that you attend the clinic for this consultation because this allows the acupuncturist to observe the severity of any condition. If however you are unable to attend in person, then the free consultation can be conducted by phone. If you would prefer a phone consultation then please request this when booking.

 Book Now

To book a free consultation please use the online booking button above and select a free 15min “can acupuncture help me” consultation.

Some of the benefits of booking a free consultation include:

  • Not having to wait until the next Open Event. You can book a date and time to suit your schedule, usually within the next week.
  • The opportunity to discuss your specific health needs and concerns in complete privacy, one-to-one with the acupuncturist.
  • The possibility of having a treatment immediately after the free consultation should you choose to proceed. Please note however that this depends on the timing of the consultation. If you would like the option of proceeding to treatment then please phone/text Sara on 07865 593972 or email her at 

Again, any drawbacks will depend on your personal priorities but they could possibly include:

  • Being tied to a date and time for your consultation. If you book a free consultation and either fail to show, or cancel with less than 24 hours notice, then you will not qualify for a further free consultation. You would then need to pay a consultation fee to book a future appointment.
  • You’re limited to 15min. If you know you like to chat or if you have a lot of questions, we recommend focussing on the most important issues at the beginning of your appointment.

Next steps

Whether you decide to attend an open event or free consultation, we hope to see you soon and help you on your way to a healthier future.

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