Telehealth appointments now available

South Scarborough Acupuncture now has telehealth appointments available! Initially we just have our  free 15 min “can telehealth help me” session for new clients. Full length appointments will also be added very soon. Existing clients (current or previous) can book a full length follow up appointment by contacting Sara direct (email or text 07865 593972 to book).

Telehealth appointments now available

The free telehealth session is an excellent way to try out the IT and check that it works for you. You will need access to a computer/tablet or smartphone and a reasonable internet connection.

Take a look at this article here if you’d like to know more about the type of diagnosis and treatment you can expect from a telehealth appointment.

How long is a telehealth appointment?

Our free “can telehealth help me” session is 15min.

If you decide to go ahead a book a full telehealth session, then your initial appointment is 60min. In advance of the appointment you will receive an extensive questionnaire to complete. The more information you can give in your answers, the more accurately I will be able to diagnose and assess your condition. We will then be able to concentrate more fully on treatment during the actual consultation. For example, discussing diet advice, demonstrating exercises or the application of ears seeds and/or acupressure freckles etc. If the questionnaire is incomplete, then part of our consultation will be to go back to questions that remained unanswered or provided insufficient detail.

Follow up appointments are 40min. They are a little shorter than the initial appointment, as more background information has been collected by this point.

In addition to the scheduled time for our virtual consultation, there will also be “homework” for both of us. I will continue to update my diagnosis as we progress and to research and identify treatment options appropriate for you. You will have self-care activities to complete. These may include dietary changes, breathing exercises, acupressure massage, all tailored for you specifically.

How much does a telehealth appointment cost?

Our “can telehealth help me” session is free! However, please note that if you book a free session and fail to attend online at the appointed time, you will be charged for any future session.

Our initial telehealth consultation will usually cost £50. While the Stay At Home policy remains in place, this will be discounted to £40.

Follow up telehealth consultations will usually cost £40. While the Stay At Home policy remains in place, they will be discounted to £30.

Book your free “can telehealth help me” session today to find out more about how we can help you back to better health.

Stay safe, stay well, stay home.

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