The Silver Lining: 6 Unexpected Benefits of Losing Your Why

When you’ve lost your “Why” it can be a disheartening feeling, but it doesn’t have to be all bad. In fact, there are some unexpected benefits to losing your “Why” that can actually be quite valuable. In this blog post, we’ll explore six of them and how they can help you find your new “Why” and get back on track. So, if you’ve been feeling a bit lost lately, read on to learn more!

What are your core values? 6 unexpected benefits of losing your "why".

From early childhood we find it fairly easy to discover purpose in the things we do. We set goals and dream big dreams almost as easily as we breathe or play with our friends. When someone asks us, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” we have an answer right away. But as we grow, our vision of the future changes and so does our “Why”. What’s not easy is when we lose our original “Why” and don’t have another one ready to take its place.

Though it might not seem it at at the time, losing our “Why” can be a helpful learning experience. If we can open ourselves up to that experience, then these a few of the valuable lessons it can offer us as we begin to construct our new “Why.”

1. You’re still learning

If you’ve lost a “Why,” then maybe it’s because the old one doesn’t quite fit anymore. You’ve probably grown and have a new perspective on yourself and the world around you. Now, it’s time to create a new “Why” to reflect this new you. Take a little time out to ask yourself what new vision you now hold and how you want to incorporate this into your life.

2. You still have your values

Our beliefs, knowledge, and past values shape the moral code we live by. You still have your values but have they changed over time? When making decisions, use these values to help you figure out your new “Why”.

3. Feel the gratitude

Your previous “Why” taught you many things. It opened you up to new people and ideas and it provided you with so much knowledge. You gained so much in the time you held it. It’s reflecting briefly on all of these amazing things you learned and embracing them as something positive that came from your “Why.”

4. Find the takeaway

It’s very possible that your previous “Why” offered some hard lessons . We all take some knocks now and then. Rather than become caught up in feelings of failure or allow yourself to be dragged down by what’s gone, instead look for what you can learn from the experience.

5. Grieve and let go

You might even need to spend some time acknowledging sadness or disappointment at whatever you’ve left undone with your “Why”. Take a moment to recognise the regret that comes with letting go of something that was important to you. It’s OK to feel this way and it’s necessary to move forward.

6. Trust yourself

It’s totally normal to feel a little uncertain when you’re trying to figure out your new “Why”. Self-doubt might even be causing you to question whether you know a good “Why” when you see it. But here’s the thing: you’ve got this. Trust yourself and take the plunge into what’s next. You’ve got the power to make it happen.

Losing your “Why” can be a scary and overwhelming experience, but it can also be a great opportunity to find a new and more meaningful “Why”. By taking the time to reflect on the unexpected benefits of losing your “Why”, you can use them to build a stronger and more purposeful “Why”. So, don’t be afraid to take a step back, learn from the experience, and create a “Why” that you’ll be proud of!