Unlock Your Workplace Potential: 6 Steps to Find Your “Why”

Are you feeling stuck in a job that’s just not quite right for you? Maybe Sundays are your lowest point because you feel more dread than delight over Monday mornings? It’s time to unlock your workplace potential and feel fired up again over your career. Here are 6 steps to help you find the “Why” that will put the excitement back into the work you do, even if it’s not your final stopping place on the career ladder.

Describe you ideal work day in great detail. Unlock your workplace potential.

Finding a job that speaks to you is no easy matter. With only a fifth of employed people truly passionate about their work, it’s no wonder so many of us take jobs just to pay the bills. It’s a sad reality, but it’s the way things are.

Does this mean your job is a lost cause just because it’s not the career of your dreams? Definitely not! If you’re looking for something more than just a salary, it’s time to get creative and think outside the box to find something that brings you joy again. Try these steps:

1. Take a break

But don’t just get away from the job. Take some time to think about how you feel about the work you do. On your next day off, take a step back and ask yourself: What is it about my job that I find meaningful or that I’m passionate about? Think about how your work contributes to something bigger than yourself.

2. Write a list

Take a minute to write down what’s been putting a dampener on your workday. By identifying the sources of your stress, you can work on finding solutions that’ll make your day better. When you remove the stressors, you can focus on the aspects of your job that you actually enjoy, giving you more reasons to stay motivated.

3. What activities make up your day?

Are you constantly running around trying to get your work done? Why not make your day a bit easier by simplifying? Create a schedule to stay on track, and organise your workspace to streamline the processes you do most often. Without the mess, it’ll be easier to see the things which draw you, which are part of your daily “Why.”

4. Where do you want to go?

Maybe this isn’t the big picture you’re looking for. If not, then what is? It’s time to start figuring out your “Why” and forming a vision of what you want your future to look like. Where do you want to be? What steps do you need to take to get there? Start making a plan and put it in motion.

5. Find a mentor

Is there someone who can help you achieve your goals? Find someone who understands your motivation and has the expertise to show you the way forward. Who has the skills and experience to guide you through the next steps?

6. Take action

Nothing happens without action. Your “Why” will push you to work hard to make your vision a reality. As you take the next steps, remember it’s likely going to take time. Fortunately, you have your inspiring “Why” to keep you motivated and on track during your journey.

Finding your “Why” can help you to unlock your potential in the workplace, no matter where you are on the career ladder. By taking the time to reflect on your goals, values, and passions, you can find the motivation to move forward and reach your full potential. So why wait? Start your journey of self-discovery today, and you’ll be sure to find the excitement and fulfilment you’ve been looking for in your work.