The Gift of Being Present: 3 Reasons and 3 Ways to Enjoy It

Life can be hectic and it can be hard to stay present in the moment. With the hustle and bustle around us, it’s easy to get caught up in the past or future. We may forget to take a moment to appreciate the present. Give yourself the gift of being present. It can help you stay in tune with yourself and the world around you. In this blog post we’ll explore 3 reasons why it’s important to be present and 3 simple ways to practice it.

Red gifts and candy canes create a frame. Text in centre reads "The Gift of Being Present: 3 Reasons and 3 Ways to Enjoy It".

Existence can be a tricky concept for us to wrap our heads around. For most of us it’s enough to be able to grasp the concept of a past, present, and future. We understand we’re living right now. Our life is like a movie, playing out before us. We use our senses to take in the world around us.

We’re in the present now and we have memories of a past existence. We have hopes and plans for our future. For most of us, that’s what we know about life.

Deep thinkers tell us that all we have is the present moment. Your past is gone and you can’t fully control your future. All you can do is live in the moment. As it turns out, embracing your present reality has a lot of benefits. Here are three reasons why you should spend more time in the present moment and three simple ways you can do just that.

3 Benefits of Embracing the Moment

Better Relationships and Improved Social Skills

Focusing on the present sharpens your vision. You start to appreciate the people around you more deeply, even those you don’t interact with often. This can help you cultivate better social skills and build more meaningful relationships.

Less Stress and Anxiety

Mindfulness can be a real game-changer when it comes to reducing stress. Instead of worrying about the future, savour the present and enjoy the moment. It’s a simple but powerful way to live life with less stress and more peace.

Greater Self-Love and Self-Esteem

Mindfulness helps us become more in tune with ourselves, which leads to greater self-awareness. You find you have so much more to appreciate about who you are right now and fewer expectations of your future self.

3 Simple Ways To Live in the Present Moment

Breathe Deeply

Take a few deep breaths and focus on them. Appreciate the simple act of inhaling and exhaling; this is a great way to calm your racing mind. Next time you feel overwhelmed, take a few moments to practice mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or any other practice that helps you stay in the present. It’s a great way to reduce stress and relax.

Practice Daily Gratitude

Take a moment to appreciate all that you have. From the big things to the small, there’s plenty to be grateful for. Make it a habit to recognise and express your thanks for the good things in life. This will help you stay in the moment and focus on what you already have, rather than wanting something more in the future.

Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness is all about letting go of the past and not having any expectations for the future. That’s the secret to truly living in the present moment and making the most of it.

Being present can be difficult, but it is an invaluable gift. It can help us to be more mindful, to be more connected to ourselves and to others, and to live with greater purpose and joy. By taking the time to pause, to take a few deep breaths, to practice gratitude, and to be forgiving, we can start to enjoy the gift of being present. The more we practice, the more we can learn to savour each and every moment.